An aerial photography of a colorful forest and a forest covered in the snow under sunlight
RTD Ratings

Restoring trust in "sustainability"


RTD Ratings World in real life

Restoring trust in “sustainability” is only possible with more real-time data from real-world solutions. Our societies, companies and markets need more open, validated, verifiable, real-time and near-real time data backing up sustainability claims and reports. Greenwashing is a waste of everyone’s time and resources, and it literally means betting against our future. Looking for answers about what “sustainable” meant, we found a way to measure it. Looking for success stories, we found a way to rate them so the markets can scale them up. Welcome to the world’s first open data sustainability ratings, certifications and carbon offsets: RTD (Real Time Data) Ratings.

Less words, more engineering, less statistical inferences, more open data: this is how we measure real world solutions so the markets can catapult them to the global scale.

In the Carbon Certifications section you can find carbon solutions that are validated, verified, and certified by engineering companies, under the Systems Engineering, Systems Assurance, and Data Assurance standards set by NASA, INCOSE, NIST, NREL, and IEEE. But most importantly, you can verify them as well, since all the data used to certify every offset is open to the public.

From now on, when buying a carbon offset, don’t trust the certifier: trust the data!

In the Sustainability Ratings section you will discover sustainability ratings that bring verifiable transparency to sustainability data across industries. In data we trust.

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Discover the world’s first carbon registry of open data carbon offsets.


These open data carbon offsets abide by the rules of the DEV Carbon Standard. DEV stands for Decentralized Environmental Verification, which means making all humans potential auditors of the data behind carbon offsets.

Anyone can help verify the reality, relevance, and measurable impact of the carbon offsets by seeing directly the data coming from the project in real time (RTD), near real time (NRTD), or a high-frequency data feed.

You can be part of the solution by purchasing open data carbon offsets, or by simply sharing on your social media the data backing up certified offsets: you can now help monitor, validate, and verify real solutions around the world.

Memberships and Endorsements

The two pillars of the DEV Carbon Standard are Systems Engineering and Open Data. This is why RTD Ratings (as a carbon offset certifier that works under the DEV Carbon Standard) is required by its auditors to be member of the world’s top engineering organizations, and to endorse and implement the most robust Open Data, transparency, and business responsibility principles.

United Nations Global Compact Principles

RTD Ratings has submitted its endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact Principles, in order to signal its commitment to upholding fundamental values in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. This endorsement demonstrates our alignment with a globally recognized framework for corporate sustainability and responsibility.

United Nations Global Compact Principles

RTD Ratings is the world's first open data carbon offset certifier. Endorsing the Open Data Charter underscores RTD Ratings' commitment to transparency and accessibility of data. Embracing open data principles promotes accountability and empowers our stakeholders to access and analyze information related to sustainability ratings, certifications, and carbon offsets. We firmly believe that all carbon offset projects should be open data projects.

Oxford Principles for Net Zero Carbon Offsetting

By endorsing the Oxford Principles for Net Zero Carbon Offsetting, RTD Ratings aligns itself with a comprehensive and scientifically grounded framework for carbon offsetting. This endorsement demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that carbon offset certifications adhere to robust principles that contribute meaningfully to global efforts to mitigate climate change. The four principles are: 1. Cut emissions, ensure the environmental integrity of credits used to achieve net zero, and regularly revise our offsetting strategy as best practice evolves. 2. Transition to carbon removal offsetting for any residual emissions by the global net zero target date. 3. Shift to removals with durable storage (low risk of reversal) to compensate any residual emissions by the net zero target. 4. Support the development of innovative and integrated approaches to achieving net zero.

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

RTD Ratings is the first carbon offset certifier to make Systems Engineering the backbone of its value offer and quality standard. Joining INCOSE provides RTD Ratings with access to a global network of systems engineering professionals. This membership allows us to stay abreast of the latest developments and best practices in Systems Engineering, as well as to constantly iterate, and improve our advanced engineering models through peer-review, stress-testing, and joint-research.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The advanced engineering level behind the DEV Carbon Standard and RTD Ratings as a carbon offset certifier makes it essential for RTD Ratings to be part of the world's top engineering associations. Membership in IEEE offers RTD Ratings access to a diverse community of professionals involved in electrical and electronics engineering, as well as related fields such as Data Science and information technologies (IT). This membership provides valuable insights and expertise relevant to the development and implementation of our real-time data-driven sustainability certifications. Additionally, it offers opportunities for collaboration and interdisciplinary learning, strengthening the technical foundation of our initiatives and fostering innovation in sustainable solutions.

Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)

RTD Ratings' membership in the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) offers access to collective expertise, and networking and collaboration opportunities within the energy sector. Collaborating with AEE fosters partnerships, and enables participation in industry discussions, amplifying the impact of RTD Ratings' sustainability initiatives.

Latin American Sustainable Development & Renewable Energy Association

Joining ALDESER aligns us with a community dedicated to advancing sustainable development and renewable energy in Latin America. Membership provides a platform to advocate for carbon neutrality and renewable energy adoption while staying informed about industry trends and best practices. Participating in ALDESER's initiatives allows us to contribute our expertise to collective efforts addressing environmental challenges and driving positive change in the region.

Mexican Technical Industrial Standard of DEV Carbon Offsets

RTD Ratings is compliant with a Technical Industrial Standard created in Mexico, which is the first national adaptation of the DEV Carbon Standard. This national adaptation was created by prestigious norms & standards agency NORMEX.

DEV Carbon Standard

RTD Ratings is compliant with the DEV Carbon Standard, the world's first carbon standardbased on open data and Systems Engineering.

Certified Projects

Discover the world’s first carbon registry of open data carbon offsets.

These open data carbon offsets abide by the rules of the DEV Carbon Standard. DEV stands for Decentralized Environmental Verification, which means making all humans potential auditors of the data behind carbon offsets.



Offset type

Offset type

8110 Tons in stock

29495 Tons in stock

Carbon Registry Summary

The world's first open data carbon registry includes projects certified in any of the 7 approved offset categories:
Certified projects
Offset TypeOffset DescriptionMetric tons per offset type
OT-01 Land ecosystems (with supplementary impact on biodiversity & food security).82,560
OT-02Regenerative agriculture (with supplementary impact on biodiversity & food security).
OT-03.1Clean energy.37,605
OT-03.2Energy efficiency.
OT-04Direct carbon capture & storage.
OT-05Special high-tech industrial offsets (with supplementary impact on biodiversity, food security, waste reduction, freshwater conservation, and sustainable supply chains).
OT-06Blue carbon.
OT-07Soil carbon & regenerative livestock management.
CO2 metric tons certified
Metric tons of total available offset buffer
All metric tons from all projects are certified ex-post, meaning a CO2 metric ton is only certified after there is enough data to prove it, which means there is no risk of that impact not happening; still, we contribute every year to an offset buffer as a form of long-term impact insurance.
Active projects
Project Pipeline (next 12 months)
Metric tons
CO2 metric tons retired (already declared in someone’s yearly carbon accounting: once retired, a metric ton cannot be sold nor transferred).

Our Key Stakeholders


The Stewards & Auditors

Dev Carbon Standard Stewards
Foundations that ensure that the text of the Standard is not modified by any other entity. The Stewards of the Standard approve one or more Data Systems & Systems Engineering auditors to approve all key stakeholders for offset creation. This step ensures that organizations may only claim to abide by the rules of the standard if they can prove that they do by opening up their data for public scrutiny as well as for engineering audits.
Engineering Auditors
These Engineering Auditors approve and permanently audit the stakeholders of offset creation under state-of- the-art systems engineering and other engineering standards (ISO, INCOSE & IEEE, etc.). No project may use the DEV seal nor begin to generate DEV offsets without the Auditor’s approval. This Auditor is appointed by the Stewards of the DEV Carbon Standard. The data audit starts with the feasibility study, and once the carbon solution created by a Project Integrator is taken by a Certifier, the data quality audit becomes a permanent, year-round audit process of the carbon solution to ensure maximum transparency.
Compliance Auditors

Companies that are approved by the Engineering Auditors to independently audit the Project Integrators and their carbon solutions on two levels:

(1) the application and observance of: (a) the DEV Carbon Standard, (b) the DEV Carbon Standard Methodology, and (c) The DEV Carbon Standard Scientific, Technical, and Engineering Framework; and

(2) the compliance with applicable local carbon offset regulations. Their compliance audit occurs at any time between the
beginning of the Feasibility Study and the first six months of offset certification.

These are specialized legal, financial and
fiscal compliance firms that are approved by the Certifiers to audit the
administrative, financial, legal, and fiscal aspects of a carbon project. Their audits are assigned at entirely random times with a maximum frequency of one audit per carbon project every 12 months. Resulting scores and recommendations by these
auditors will be immediately shared by the special auditor to both the audited
Project Integrator and the relevant Certifier, giving the opportunity to the Project Integrator to immediately correct whatever was identified as unclear or non-compliant. Failure to correct any important aspect identified in the special audit without justification, would cause the Certifier to put offset certification on hold until the pending correction is complete.

Special MRV Auditors
These are companies are approved by the Certifiers to audit the Monitoring Reporting and Verification aspects of any Project Integrator and its carbon solutions at any time. These special MRV audits are assigned at entirely random times with a maximum frequency of one audit per carbon project every 12 months. Resulting scores and recommendations by these auditors will be immediately shared by the special auditor to both the audited Project Integrator and the relevant Certifier, giving the opportunity to the Project Integrator to immediately correct whatever was identified as unclear or non-compliant. Failure to correct any important aspect identified in the special audit without justification, would cause the Certifier to put offset certification on hold until the pending correction is complete.

The Implementors

Landowners receive payments for the sale of carbon offsets from projects implemented on their properties. In clean energy projects this role is taken by the power plant owners / clean energy project owners; in the blue carbon projects it is usually taken by coastal communities with approval of the authorities with jurisdiction over the area. In the case of private property, the landowners pay for the feasibility study, and in the case of community or indigenous land it is usually project sponsors (companies that will get offsets from the project) who pay for the feasibility study.
Project Integrators
These are organizations which design and develop carbon solutions. They bring together relevant actors for each new project: Landowners, Solution Implementers, a Certifier (which works with approved Data Providers), and the Offset Sellers (in case the Project Integrator needs external sellers).
Offset Sellers
Sellers are approved by the Engineering Auditors to ensure correct and accurate presentation of the offset data to clients. All items in the offset catalogue offered to clients must link to at least one Open Data Platform, which is the repository of complete support data of all certified offsets.
Data Providers
These are satellite, sensor, or data companies which have been approved by the Engineering Auditors, and deemed trusted data providers for the offset Certifiers. Because the Certifiers must publish certification data open source, the data from the Data Providers must be reliable, relevant, accurate, valid, and verifiable.
Certify the carbon offsets in alignment with the DEV Carbon Standard. They create and update an Open Data Platform where all KPIs, support data, and data sources (evidence), are made publicly available. Certifiers integrate and showcase the data feed from the Solution Implementers and the Data Providers working on each project.
Solution Implementers
These are providers of a specific solution for a carbon project (for example, reforestation, organic plant nutrients, soil restoration, regenerative agriculture, or a clean energy technology, or clean tech in general).

Our Ecosystem


Get to know our partners and how they participate.

Sustainability Ratings​


RTD Ratings has developed several sustainability ratings. Some ratings are industry-specific, others are issue-specific, and others are company-specific.

Soon you will be able to verify the facts behind green technologies, industries, companies, and projects, as well as behind global environmental challenges.

RTD Ratings

The global water crisis is not only about water availability, but also about water quality. This rating showcases the water quality of water bodies around the world.

RTD Ratings

Hydrogen Technologies have an incredible potential to reduce the carbon footprint. This rating focuses on identifying the true degree up to these technologies are sustainable.

RTD Ratings

The mailing industry is rapidly evolving towards more efficient and sustainable practices. This industry-specific rating tracks this evolution.

RTD Ratings

The aviation industry's greenhouse gas emissions make it a key player in the fight against climate change. This rating tracks the sustainability policies and actions of aviation companies.

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